pezzo della settimana: Empress of/Kitty Kat

Xing Danwen

Posted: Novembre 5th, 2007 | Author: | Filed under: persone | Commenti disabilitati su Xing Danwen

Volevo scrivere le mie impressioni sul lavoro di queste artista, che mi piace molto. Poi ho sfogliato il suo sito e ho realizzato che quello che dice lei, in particolare del suo progetto chiamato Urban Fiction e’ assolutamente piu’ chiaro di qualsiasi altra cosa avessi potuto aggiungere.

"The idea of this work was forged when I was traveling around Europe by train in 2003. After being in so many cities in the world, I realized that globalization has made urban landscapes everywhere similar and blurred the boundaries between them. So often, "here" can be anywhere. I have brought my vision and perspective to these urban spaces. The architectural structures that I photographed are all maquettes made to promote real-estate developments that are being planned in China today. Some of the buildings already exist, and others will soon begin construction. When you face these models showing such a variety of different spaces and think about the life-styles associated with them, you start to wonder: is this the picture of life today? Do we really live in this kind of space and environment"?

Davvero lo vogliamo?

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